News & Events

Revenue Protection News Story

The Daily Mirror has published an article regarding a disabled customer discovering an illegal cannabis farm in his basement. Investigation is being carried out into the activities of the customer’s caring assistant.

As the Supplier, British Gas’ Revenue Protection Unit attended the site after ascertaining the customer’s bills were exceptionally high due to the growing of the cannabis farm. The case has been ongoing since last year.

The story can be found here.

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Grosvenor research published

This year Grosvenor Services Group, a UKRPA member, carried out a piece of research in association with Crimestoppers of 2,000 households across the UK. The report explores current attitudes,
as well as investigating which strategies will be most successful at winning over the public’s support in the battle against energy theft.

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Ofgem statement on prepayment meters installed under warrant

27th May 2015

Ofgem has released a statement on the installation of prepayment meters under warrant:

“Installing prepayment meters under warrant should be used as a last resort by energy suppliers when consumers get into debt. It is a way to prevent a customer from being disconnected. Suppliers can only install a prepayment meter where it is safe and practical for the consumer to use”.

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Crimestoppers launches meter tampering campaign

Crimestoppers, the independent crime-fighting charity, has today launched a campaign to tackle meter tampering, a common form of energy theft.

In addition to the increased costs that energy theft can place onto honest customer bills, tampering is a crime that can have very real and dangerous consequences like fires and explosions, which threaten the lives and homes of innocent people. Crimestoppers plays a unique role in tackling crime in the UK, by providing an anonymous reporting service for people to come forward without fearing the repercussions from the community or criminals themselves.

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