Welcome to The UKRPA

The UKRPA is a trade association open to companies involved in detecting and dealing with meter tampering and illegal abstraction of electricity and gas (generically known as Revenue Protection – RP) and providers of products and services to those companies.

Why report meter tampering?

When someone tampers with their meter they are causing a safety hazard, putting everyone at risk. They are also costing the service providers money, raising costs for everyone – including you!

Some Distribution Businesses have withdrawn commercial Revenue Protection services to Suppliers. Here you can find UKRPA Members who will be able to help you fulfil your business obligations.

Our Vision

A united force driving integrity and sustainability in the energy sector, the UKRPA envisions a future where every kilowatt-hour is accounted for, fostering a fair and secure environment for both providers and consumers, while pioneering innovative solutions to combat energy theft and ensure the resilience of our energy infrastructure through reduction, prevention, and awareness initiatives.

Our Mission

Safe Energy for All: Preventing Theft, Protecting Lives

The UKRPA leads collaborative efforts against energy theft through education, advocacy, and technology deployment. We promote transparency and accountability to safeguard revenues, enhance safety, uphold sector integrity, and protect communities for the benefit of all stakeholders.”