The UKRPA was pleased to respond to the Strategy consultation for the Ofgem RIIO-ED1 electricity distribution price control.
The full UKRPA Response can be found here
The UKRPA was pleased to respond to the Strategy consultation for the Ofgem RIIO-ED1 electricity distribution price control.
The full UKRPA Response can be found here
The UKRPA was pleased to respond to the DCP 054 – Revenue Protection/Unrecorded Units into Settlements Consultation.
The full UKRPA Response can be found here.
The UKRPA was pleased to respond to the joint NMO/Ofgem Consultation on the disposal of electricity meters removed following interference or damage.
The full UKRPA Response can be found here.
The UKRPA welcomed the opportunity to respond to Ofgem’s Tackling Gas Theft Consultation at the end of April 2012. Given the Associations involvement in revenue protection activities in both gas and electricity the UKRPA has clear direct experiences to feed into any industry reviews related to the subject.
The full UKRPA Response can be found here.
Following on from yesterday’s BBC article, a further article has been published by the METRO outlining the scale of the cannabis farms in the UK, and actions required to prevent the crime and associated energy theft.
The full article can be found here.
The BBC today (30th April 2012) published an article regarding how to identify cannabis farms or factories. The article also makes referenced to the likely meter by-pass associated with the crime.
The full article can be found on the BBC website here.
The recently established Energy UK (a merger of the Energy Retail Association (ERA), Association of Energy Producers (AEP) and the UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy (UKBCSE)) have re-affirmed it will continue to deliver strong cross-industry initiatives to stamp out criminal fraud involving electricity prepayment meters (PPM).
On the 26th March 2012, Ofgem announced a new regulatory framework to reinvigorate industry efforts to tackle gas theft. This will protect consumers by giving incentives to gas suppliers to detect and prevent theft and to establish minimum standards for theft investigations.
Ofgem have recently published its Consultation to seek views from the industry as to whether the proposed changes to the metering inspection obligation (proposed by British Gas, which follows the 2009 two-year must read obligations consultation) would be in the best interests of consumers, and how consumer protection might be ensured if these changes take place.