Surging Cases of Energy Theft

A recent ITV article highlights both the monetary and human costs caused by energy theft.

Energy theft adds up to £50 to energy bills per household every year, costing customers up to £1.4 billion. The cost-of-living crisis and high energy prices are partly to blame for an alarming 55% rise in meter tampering.

Energy theft is also extremely dangerous and can cause fires and explosions not only to the property where it is happening but to neighbouring properties as well.

Too many have already lost their lives as a result of meter tampering. Sadly, this was the case of a 7-year-old boy who died whilst playing at a premise where someone had tampered with energy supplies. His mother is now campaigning to raise awareness of the dangers of energy theft.

Crimestoppers now estimates an average of over 1,000 reports of energy theft every month so far this year, and a 25% rise in confirmed cases with more than 3,700 annually.

View the complete article here.