RP Services

Some Distribution Businesses have withdrawn their commercial Revenue Protection services, meaning that those requiring such services may struggle to find alternative providers. In an effort to help such organisations find alternative provisions, the UKRPA has listed below the names and contact details of the UKRPA Members that are able to offer Revenue Protection services on a commercial basis.

British Gas

Nationwide revenue protection investigation services for theft of gas and abstraction of electricity cases on residential and commercial portfolios. Contact RevProEl@Centrica.com.

Scottish Power

Fully managed end-to-end revenue protection activities for abstraction of electricity in MPAN areas 13 (Merseyside/Northern Wales) and 18 (Southern Scotland). Email Revenue.Protection@scottishpower.com or telephone: 0800 074 1976.

Seeka Ltd

Nationwide dual fuel revenue protection services, including electricity & gas supply theft services and distribution theft (theft in conveyance) services. Please contact Revenue.protection@seeka.co.uk.

Haste Ltd

Haste Ltd provides a nationwide gas and electric, end to end revenue protection service for domestic and commercial supply points. Taking care of everything, including full warrant process, Haste work with some of the industry’s biggest Suppliers. You can contact Haste Ltd on 01530 517 960 or via email on RPServices@hasteltd.co.uk.

Blackthorne Utilities Ltd

Nationwide coverage, providing administrative and specialist field support services tailored to the utilities industry. Our services cover all and any aspects of revenue loss a supplier may be suffering. We are also ISO 9001 : 2015 certified. For further information please contact enquiries@blackthorneutilities.co.uk, or call 0114 236 5042 .

Please note that there may be other organisations that are not UKRPA Members and who may also be in a position to offer Revenue Protection services.