I am an industry party

I am a supplier, do I need to let the UKRPA know when I have been advised that one of my customers is stealing energy? 

No, the UKRPA has an anonymous theft reporting service which will alerts suppliers, distribution networks or gas transporters of suspected energy theft. It does not have operatives to investigate and rectify instances of theft. Energy suppliers and distributors have Licence obligations relating to energy theft and revenue protection activities and these obligations may be discharged by having clearly documented revenue protection processes with either an in-house or outsourced revenue protection provider to carry out this service.

I am a supplier, once our Revenue Protection Provider has made the site safe, do I need the UKRPA’s approval to re-instate the supply? 

No, a supplier’s revenue protection provider will ensure a site is made safe and the supplier will then advise when a site can be re-energised.

Does the UKRPA have operatives we can send to investigate revenue protection issues? 

No, the UKRPA does not have operatives to investigate and rectify instances of theft. Energy suppliers and distributors have internal revenue protection processes including either an in-house or outsourced revenue protection provider to carry out this service.

A number of revenue protection service providers are members of the UKRPA and their details are listed on the UKRPA website. However, these are independent of the UKRPA and not accredited by or recommended by the UKRPA.

I am a Supplier - what should I do if I have been advised that our meter has been stolen from one of our customer’s premises? 

If you are a supplier and your asset has been stolen, you should ensure that the site is safe. Meters may be reported as stolen if the customer is aware of a revenue protection investigation and fears their tampering will be discovered.

Stolen meters can also be used to disguise energy theft in other premises or sold for scrap metal.

An investigation should be carried out and the consumer advised to report the theft to the Police and obtain either a Crime or Incident number.