
Benefits of Joining

There are a multitude of benefits from joining the UKRPA, particularly if your organisation has a vested interest in Revenue Protection activities which includes the prevention, detection and investigation of energy theft and making your community a safer place.

Please see below a host of benefits you can expect from membership of the UKRPA:

  • Be part of a network of Revenue Protection experts from twenty-five industry participants—including Suppliers, Networks, Meter Operators and specialist Revenue Protection service providers from both the Gas and Electricity Industry in the UK and Ireland.
  •  Access to a Forum to exchange information and discuss matters of common interest related to Revenue Protection matters in order to benefit business activities.
  •  Access to and assist in the design of training materials. Expert guidance to share with your staff—including topics such as “composing witness statements for investigatory bodies” and “handling evidence at an investigation”.
  •  Power of a collective voice which can lobby the Government and other external stakeholders on important Revenue Protection issues.
  • Have your say! The views and ideas of Members are instrumental to the success of the UKRPA and your ideas will help influence future strategic projects to strengthen the work of the Revenue Protection community.

For more information about the benefits of joining the UKRPA, click here.

Membership Types

There are two types of membership: Full Membership and Associate Membership.

Full Membership

Open to parties directly involved with providing Revenue Protection services, i.e. detection, investigation and prevention of energy theft.

Associate Membership

Open to parties providing goods and services relevant to the provision of Revenue Protection services.

2024/2025 Subscription fees

Full Membership – £3,900

Associate Membership – £1,900

The subscription fees are reviewed each year.

Joining the UKRPA

Joining the UKRPA couldn’t be easier. Simply complete the Application Form found below and return in an email to

Please also include in your email:

  • A short Company introduction (no more than 80 words);
  • Company Logo (JPEG, PNG, etc.);
  • Company website address;
  • Revenue Protection email address (public facing); and
  • Revenue Protection contact number (public facing).
UKRPA Membership 2024-25 Download

The UKRPA Constitution can be found below:

Constitution v3.1 Download

Need Additional Info?

Please contact the UKRPA Secretariat at